2011 Conference Ride & Room Sharing Group

MinivanA Ride/Room Share group has been created to help members make connections for transportation to/from the conference and/or find roommates. It works pretty much the same as it did last year:

  1. This Yahoogroup is an unlisted group, and therefore only available to members of the Yahoogroup.
  2. Go to the 2011_Conference_Ride_and_Room_Share Yahoogroup to join and post your request yourself. It’s easy— click on the blue “Join This Group" button. Next, create your YahooID and password. Follow the instructions to select the email address you want to use for communicating, how you want messages delivered (individual emails or all emails once a day “digest” format), etc. Enter the case-sensitive code provided and click “Join”. Click the Post link on the left side of the page to submit your request. Alternatively, you can email debra.pike@nfrbmea.org directly to add you to the member list and post your request.
  3. When you've made arrangements, you can unsubscribe yourself from the group or ask Deb to remove you.
  4. The 2011 Conference Ride and Room Share Yahoogroup will be removed at the conclusion of the 2011 conference.

Requests can be posted and read using your email client (Outlook, etc.) but viewing the group via the Yahoogroups website allows you to view all postings that occurred prior to your joining the group. If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding this Yahoogroup, please contact Deb.


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