2011 Conference Agenda

(updated 6/15/11)

Sunday, June 12
9:00 AM NFRBMEA Board Meeting (Cheekwood)
9:30 AM2011 Planning Committee
1:00 PM Conference Registration Begins (Conference Registration Desk)
2:00 PM NAFBAS Board Meeting (Kingsley)
3:00 PM NFRBMEA Past Presidents' Meeting (Cheekwood)
4:00 PM NAFBAS/NFRBMEA Joint Board Meeting (Hermitage C)
6:30 PM Evening Dessert Reception at Sheraton (McGavock's ABC)
6:50 PM "Overview of the 2011 Conference"
 —Rush Midkiff, NAFBAS Persident
7:00 PM "Welcome to Nashville"
 —Maggie Reaville, Nashville CVB
7:15 PM Lisa Shaffer
 —Country Music Artist
8:00 PMAdjourn
  2012 Conference Planning Committee Meeting (Cheekwood)

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Monday, June 13
6:00 AM Vendor Set-up (Plantation Lobby)
 —Evan Conrad, Coordinator
7:00 AM Breakfast at Hotel (Belle Meade)
7:30 AM Registration Continues (Conference Registration Desk)
8:00 AM "Welcome to the 2011 Conference" (Hermitage ABC)
 —Allen Graner, NFRBMEA President & Rush Midkiff, NAFBAS President
8:15 AM Dr. Lynn Robbins — Ag Econ Department Head, University of Kentucky
8:30 AM "Kentucky's Agriculture & People"
 —Rick Costin, University of Kentucky
8:45 AM "Positioning the Farm for Long-Term Viability" (presentation available)
 —Dr. Mike Boehlje, Purdue University
10:00 AM BREAK —See Vendors (Plantation Lobby)
10:15 AM Dr. Mike Boehlje, continued
12:00 PM Luncheon at Hotel (Belle Meade)
1:00 - 3:00 PM IABME group session with Dr. Boehlje (Two Rivers)
1:15 PM "Estate Tax Legislation & Current Policy"
 —Tim Dodd, Tennessee Farm Bureau
2:00 PM "Estate Tax Planning for Farmers" (presentation available)
 —Vance Cook, Attorney
3:00 PM BREAK —See Vendors (Plantation Lobby)
3:30 PM "Implications of Health Care Legislation to Farmers"
 —Bill Klump, CPA
4:30 PM Adjourn
6:30 PM Evening on Your Own

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Tuesday, June 14
7:00 AM Breakfast at Hotel (Belle Meade)
7:10 AM First-Timers' Meeting (open to all first-time conference attendees)
  —Jay D. Olsen, NFRBMEA President Elect & Jim Huschka, NAFBAS
7:45 AM Load Buses for Tour  Review Tour Descriptions
12:00 PM Tour Buses Return to Sheraton
12:15 PM Lunch at Hotel / 2012 Conference Video Presentation (Belle Meade)
1:00 PM Experience Exchange (Belle Meade)
1:30 PM NAFBAS Committee Meetings (Hermitage A)
  NFRBMEA Business Meeting (Hermitage B)
3:00 PM Adjourn
Afternoon & Evening On Your Own

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Wednesday, June 15
7:00 AM Breakfast at Hotel (Plantation Lobby)
8:00 AM Precision Ag Presentations & Panel (Hermitage ABC)
8:00 AMDr. Tim Stombaugh — Ag Engineer, University of Kentucky
8:30 AM Rob Eckman —Sales Representative, Capstan Ag
9:00 AM Dr. Jordan Shockley — Ag Economist, University of Kentucky
9:30 AM Joe Nichols — Seven Springs Farms, Cadiz, KY
10:15 AM Precision Ag Panel continues
10:45 AM "Current Ag Issues"Jeff Nalley, Farm Director, The Cromwell Ag Network
11:45 PM Lunch at Hotel (Belle Meade)
1:00 PM Breakout Sessions, Round 1 (Hermitage A, B, C)
A1: "Labor Audit" —Bart Peters, KY FBM & Lee Robey, Robey Farms, Adairville, KY
B1: "Value Added Farming"Carl Chaney, Chaney's Dairy, Bowling Green, KY & Ken Mattingly, Kenny's Farmhouse Cheese, Glasgow, KY
C1: "IRS Audits"Doug Hileman & Adam Kestner, Illinois FBFM
1:50 PM A2: "Labor Audit" —Bart Peters, Kentucky FBM & Lee Robey, Robey Farms, Adairville, KY
B2: "Value Added Farming"Carl Chaney, Chaney's Dairy, Bowling Green, KY & Ken Mattingly, Kenny's Farmhouse Cheese, Glasgow, KY
C2: "IRS Audits"Doug Hileman & Adam Kestner, Illinois FBFM
2:40 PM A3: "Immigration & H2As"Laura Powers, University of Kentucky
B3: "Remote Access"Evan Conrad, Kentucky FBM & Jim McCabe, Illinois FBFM
C3: "Value Added Farming"Hal Pepper, UT Center for Profitable Agriculture
3:30 PM Adjourn
3:45 - 6:00 PM Group Outing: Nashville Shores Waterpark
6:00 - 7:00 PM Meal at Nashville Shores Waterpark (Shadypoint #1 Picnic Area)

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Thursday, June 16
7:00 AM Denny Jackson Storytelling Breakfast (Plantation Lobby)
 —Host: Pat Harrington, NFRBMEA
8:15 AM "Economic Policy & Agriculture: Will We Continue to Kick the Can Down the Road?" —Craig Infanger, University of Kentucky (Hermitage ABC)
9:15 AM "Benchmarking" —Dale Nordquist, Center for Farm Financial Management (Hermitage C)
(presentation available)
10:15 AM NAFBAS Business Meeting (Hermitage C)
NFRBMEA Business Meeting, continued (Two Rivers)
11:30 AM Adjourn Conference
12:00 PM NFRBMEA Post-Conference Board Meeting (Oaklands)

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