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sunday, june 10

9:00 AM NFRBMEA Board Meeting —Beacon
1:00 PM Conference Registration Begins — Ballroom Foyer
2:00 PM NAFBAS Board Meeting —Duchess
3:00 PM NFRBMEA Past Presidents' Meeting —Beacon
4:00 PM NAFBAS/NFRBMEA Joint Board Meeting —Duchess & Beacon
6:30 PM Evening Snacks —Jonathan⁄Fireside⁄Cortland
6:50 PM "Welcome to the 2012 Conference"
7:15 PM Entertainment: Scott Novotny, World-class Comedy
8:00 PM Adjourn
  2013 Conference Planning Committee —Fuji

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monday, june 11

6:45 AM Continental Breakfast at Hotel —Cortland Foyer
7:45 AM Registration Continues —Cortland Foyer
8:00 AM "Welcome to the 2012 Conference" —Fireside⁄Cortland
  —Presidents of NFRBMEA & NAFBAS
8:15 AM Keynote Speaker
 Dan Looker, Business Editor, Successful Farming
10:00 AM Breakouts (50 minutes in length): —Taylor, Beacon, Duchess & Regent
  How to Hire & Train Assistants
 Tina Barrett, Nebraska Farm Business Inc.
  Establishing Enhanced Services in Your Office
 Tom Thaden, Northwest Iowa Farm Business Association
     & Jim McCabe, Illinois Valley FBFM Association
  How to Produce an Employee Manual
 Chuck Schwartau, University of MN Extension Educator
     & Renee Setzer, Lakeshore Farm Management
  How to Prepare Data for Analysis
  —Todd Ziegler, Kansas Farm Management Association Northwest
     & Al Roesler, FBM Instructor, South Central College, Blue Earth, MN
11:00 AM Breakouts (Repeated): —Taylor, Beacon, Regent, Duchess & Waldorf
  How to Hire & Train Assistants
 Tina Barrett, Nebraska Farm Business Inc.
  Establishing Enhanced Services in Your Office
 Tom Thaden, Northwest Iowa Farm Business Association
     & Jim McCabe, Illinois Valley FBFM Association
  How to Produce an Employee Manual
 Chuck Schwartau, University of MN Extension Educator
     & Renee Setzer, Lakeshore Farm Management
  How to Prepare Data for Analysis
  —Todd Ziegler, Kansas Farm Management Association Northwest
     & Al Roesler, FBM Instructor, South Central College, Blue Earth, MN
12:15 PM Lunch Buffet at Hotel Restaurant
 2013 Conference Promotion
1:30 PM Producer Panel: "Needs of Growing Farms ⁄ Providing Value"
  • Dan Luckwaldt, Dairy & Crop Producer, Woodville, WI
  • Chris Peterson, Hog & Crop Produccer, Northfield, MN
  • Sue Meyer, Hog & Crop Producer, New Prague, MN
  —Moderator: Robert Craven, Center for Farm Financial Management
  — Commenter: Rob Holcomb, Agricultural Business Management,
     University of MN Extension
1:30 PM IABME Group Session at CHS Facility
  —William J. Nelson, CHS Inc.⁄CHS Foundation
3:00 PM NAFBAS Committee Meetings —Beacon⁄Duchess
  NFRBMEA Business Meeting —Fireside⁄Cortland
4:00 PM Adjourn
 Afternoon & Evening on Your Own

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tuesday, june 12

6:00 AMVendor Set-up
6:45 AM Continental Breakfast at Hotel —Cortland Foyer
8:15 AM "Finding Opportunity in Demographic Change"
 Tom Gillaspy, Gillaspy Demographics
9:30 AM BREAK- Visit with Vendors
10:15 AM Dr. Michael Swanson  —Senior Vice President,Agricultural Economist
and Consultant, Wells Fargo & Company
NOON Lunch Buffet at Hotel Restaurant
1:15 PM "Building Consumer Trust & Confidence in Today’s Food System"
 Charlie Arnot, CEO, Center for Food Integrity
2:45 PMBREAK -Visit with Vendors
3:30 PM "Big Picture Follow–Up"
 Dan Looker, Business Editor, Successful Farming
4:30 PM Adjourn
6:30 PM Evening on Your Own (Minnesota Twins in town)

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wednesday, june 13

7:30 AM Hot Breakfast Sandwiches at Hotel —Cortland Foyer
  First-Timers' Meeting (session is open to all first-time attendees)
  — Doug Wertish, President-elect NFRBMEA & Jim Huschka, President-elect NAFBAS
8:30 AM Buses Load for Tours. Tour lengths vary —see Tour Page for details.
3:00 PM All Tours Will Have Returned to Hotel
4:00 PM Group Event at MN Zoo & Picnic
7:00 PM Zoo Event Ends

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thursday, june 14

7:00 AM Denny Jackson Storytelling Breakfast
  —Ira Beckman, FBM Instructor, South Central College
8:00 AM William Nelson, CHS Foundation & CHS Staff —Cortland⁄Fireside
8:30 AM "Farm Transitions & Succession"
  —Scott P.Miller, Miller Legal Strategic Planning Centers, P.A.
10:15 AM NFRBMEA Business Meeting —Fireside
  NAFBAS Business Meeting —Cortland
11:30 AM Conference Adjourns
NOON NFRBMEA Post-Conference Board Meeting —Fireside
updated: 9/26/12 2:51 PM