2014 NFRBMEA Photo Galleries
Here are some of the highlights of the 2014 Conference. We have NO photos of Tours 2 or 3. If you have any photos to share, please send them to Deb Pike.
2014 Photo Gallery
NFRBMEA Pre-conference Board Meeting
President Mark Holkup, Secretary Will Walter and President Elect Jim McCuistion
NFRBMEA Pre-conference Board Meeting
NCAE Rep Ira Beckman, Past President Doug Wertish and Conference Chair Jay D. Olsen
Sunday Evening Mixer
Conference Chair Jay D. Olsen welcomes the group
First-Timers Breakfast Meeting with Jim McCuistion
First-Timers Breakfast Meeting
First-Timers Breakfast Meeting
First-Timers Breakfast Meeting with Jim McCabe
First-Timers Breakfast Meeting
First-Timers Breakfast Meeting
Monday Morning Reunion
Laurie Morris, Virginia Berger, Ira Beckman
Leonard Blackham
“Ag in the West and Challenges & Opportunities for Agriculture”
Al Dustin (L) introducing Bill Hopkin
Monday Morning General Session with Bill Hopkin
“Consensus Building in Agriculture: Peer Groups to Manage for a Common Goal”
Gregg Simonds
“Managing Resources for Business Sustainability & Diversification”
Tina Barrett
“Staff- Finding, Training, Retaining & Employee Policies”
Dr. Randy Smith
“Community Colleges: Meeting Educational Needs for Adults & Adult Ed Cost in Rural America”
Dr. Ruby Ward
“Farmers Tax Guide”
Josh Tjosaas & Mike Mastey
“Devices, Methods & Apps to Communicate with Students/Clients”
Jim Kelm
“Provide the Service- Grow the Business as a Consultant”
Utah State Capitol
Church Office Building 28th Floor Observation Deck
28th Floor Observation Deck
Looking toward South Temple Street & beyond
28th Floor Observation Deck
Between South and North Temple Streets
28th Floor Observation Deck
Wasatch Mountains
Temple Square Gardens Tour
Our guide giving us an overview.
Temple Square Gardens Tour
Salt Lake Temple
Temple Square Gardens Tour
Temple Square Gardens Tour
Reflecting pool in front of the Temple
Temple Square Gardens Tour
Reflecting pool in front of the Temple
Temple Square Gardens Tour
Temple Square Gardens Tour
Bride in front of the Temple
Temple Square Gardens Tour
Temple Square Gardens Tour
The Olsen family strolling around Temple Square
Temple Square Gardens Tour
Temple Square Gardens Tour
Joseph Smith Memorial Building
Temple Square Gardens Tour
Temple Square Gardens Tour Warmth from the underground parking garages helps plantings get a start in the spring
Temple Square Gardens Tour
Temple Square Gardens Tour
Reflection of Church Office Building
Temple Square Gardens Tour
Courtyard behind Lion House and Beehive House
Temple Square Gardens Tour
Lion House
Temple Square Garden Tour
Fountain in front of Church Office Building
Temple Square Garden Tour
Fountain in front of Church Office Building
Hill AFB Aerospace Museum
Curtiss Jenny
Hill AFB Aerospace Museum
AT-6A “Texan”
Hill AFB Aerospace Museum
Which way is ...?
Hill AFB Aerospace Museum
Hill AFB Aerospace Museum
Hill AFB Aerospace Museum
Ira Beckman & Wayne Pike
Hill AFB Aerospace Museum
Hill AFB Aerospace Museum
Bronze sculpture “WWII Airman” by James Avati
Tour 1 Lunch
Bailey Farms International
Bailey Farms International
Hay Processing Machine
Bailey Farms International
Hay Compressing Machine
Bailey Farms International
Hay Compressing Machine
Bailey Farms International
Bailey Farms International
Burke Teichert
“Financial Tools, Vision for Management, Goal Setting, Sustainability”
Panel Discussion
David Condie & Jed Christenson
Panel Discussion
Jake Harward
Dick Wittman
“Using Management Accounting to Link Financial Performance & Strategic Thinking”
William Nelson of CHS Foundation
Riverland Instructors Attending Salt Lake City Conference
Wayne Pike, Jennifer Smith, Jack LaValla, Barry Kurtz, Tom Anderson
CHS Scholarship Recipients
Meeting with William Nelson
NFRBMEA Annual Business Meeting
Ira Beckman giving NCAE Report
Picnic Supper
This Is The Place State Park Outdoor Bowery
This Is The Place State Park Outdoor Bowery Picnic
Salt Lake City Sights
Trolley Bus ride back to hotel
Utah Capitol Building
Trolley Bus ride back to hotel
Utah Capitol Building
Trolley Bus ride back to hotel
Dr. Laurence Crane, NCIS
Stacy Davis,BASE and Mike Schmitz
Jon Wall, TASC
Jim Kelm & Burke Teichert
Easy Farm Software
Larry Hatfield
TRAX Transit System
TRAX Transit System
Union Pacific building in the background.
Denny Jackson Storytelling Breakfast
Ira Beckman telling his story to Pat Harrington.
J. Shannon Neibergs
“RME & Farm Business Management Education”
Warren Peterson
“Agriculture Water: Protecting the Future of Our Nation”
Jay Jackman, NAAE
“NAAE Partnership in Farmer-To-Farmer Program in East Africa”
Downtown Sculptures
“You're not in Kansas Anymore”
Downtown Sculptures
“Salt Lake Air”
Manhole Cover
2002 Winter Olympic Games
The ‘Blue Iguana’ Restaurant
Neat little eatery. Covered st‹airs lead to restaurant interior, while creating a little sunken gotto.
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Post-Conference Tour Photos
Web Photo Gallery created by Debra Pike. Photos by Lauri Olsen
The group listens as General Manager Mike Meek introduces Deseret Land & Livestock.
The tub that moves the cattle into the alley and then the chute.
The kids were busy picking up old eartags at the working corrals.
The kids were busy picking up old eartags at the working corrals.
Discussion of range grasses and range improvements for cattle grazing.
Discussion of range grasses and range improvements for cattle grazing.
Discussion of range grasses and range improvements for cattle grazing.
Part of the 3000-head herd of cattle grazing a 4000 acre pasture around an irrigation storage reservoir.
Discussing the fishing part of the recreation and hunting enterprise on the ranch.
The kids had room to run! Their parents sent them to the top of the hill while we learned about the recreation (fishing) enterprise on the ranch.
There were six stream crossings during the tour, an adventure for “flatlander” vans.
There were six stream crossings during the tour, an adventure for “flatlander” vans.
There were six stream crossings during the tour, an adventure for “flatlander” vans.
There were six stream crossings during the tour, an adventure for “flatlander” vans.
Mike and Paulette Schmitz enjoying lunch at the mountain lodge.
First and second flat tire during the tour.
Jim McCuistion (CO) enjoying lunch on the porch.
Ed Ruff (WI) enjoying lunch and the scenery from the porch.
Lunch at the Mountain Lodge
Lunch at the Mountain Lodge
Mike Meek discusses the wildlife/hunting at the ranch and the benefits of proper livestock grazing to large game, as well as fish.
Group on a mountain ridge at 7800 feet. Canyon behind is a 35,000 acre roadless area for wildlife and hunting on the ranch.
Group on a mountain ridge at 7800 feet. Canyon behind is a 35,000 acre roadless area for wildlife and hunting on the ranch.
Deseret Land & Livestock cowboy returning two escaped bulls to the bull pasture.
Mike Meek talks about ranch horses.
Ranch management discussion at the Deseret Land & Livestock Home Ranch headquarters
5000 acres of irrigated meadow, which is used for grazing yearling cattle- steers and heifers- in the summer.
A few hundred acres of the meadow is put into hay for winter feed for the cows.
Barrett, Smith & Olsen kids playing in the irrigation water runoff at Deseret Land & Livestock.
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2014 NAFBAS Slideshow
Please follow this link to view a slideshow prepared by NAFBAS
(this link no longer exists)
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