The 2020 National Farm Management Conference is soon to become a reality. This Conference has had a few speed bumps and detours along the way, and a long construction season. For the first time in our conference's history, we will be gathering virtually with a Conference Webinar. The joint boards decided last year to shorten the Conference; however, we didn't think it would be this much shorter!
We believe that we are bringing to you exceptional quality speakers and information that will truly help you with your job, and also to share with the farms that you work with. We hope you will agree. We will miss the hallway conversations, but we hope that you will join us for the webinars and Professional Development.
Covid-19 has wreaked havoc with the commodity markets, the food chain, and a number of other areas. Two of our speakers will focus on the effects and after-effects of Covid-19. We will give you some legal information to start the series off, switch to growing hemp and its issues in Colorado, have a short video with Temple Grandin, and finish the day with Jackson Takach from Farmer Mac. On Thursday morning, Dr. David Kohl will give us his perspective. Then you can join in the discussion room to share your thoughts, questions, opinions.
Please check back— information is still being added to this site!